Wheat Improvement

By The National Wheat Improvement Committee (NWIC)

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From wheat farmers to wheat scientists, we know consumers are yearning for more transparency and trust within their food “system.” We understand those concerns as consumers ourselves. In an effort to give consumers full scientific knowledge of how wheat has been improved over the years, we have worked together to publish a concise response to recent claims made by Dr. William Davis. The National Wheat Improvement Committee has compiled the following responses to Davis’ slander attack on wheat’s breeding and science improvements. Responses were developed with a scientific and historical perspective, utilizing references from peer-reviewed research and input from U.S. and international wheat scientists.


Wheat is NOT Unhealthy!

By A.D. Bettge, ADB Wheat Consulting

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Nutrition and diet are commanding more attention from the public.  Unfortunately, the general public in the U.S. is not well-versed in science, especially not food science or cereal science.  This allows the promulgation of simple, incomplete or even false information to be taken as truth. The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that many pronouncements provide simple solutions to complex problems.  The easily presented solutions are therefore easy to accept due to their lack of complexity, but present only a portion of the issue, and that may have unintended consequences or that are downright wrong.
