Why We Love Washington Wheat Farmers

There’s a lot to love about Washington wheat farmers. Cookies, cakes, breads, bagels, and so many other tasty treats are made with wheat grown on one of 4,067 wheat farms in Washington. Beyond the delicious pastries, pancakes, and pizza doughs that Washington wheat becomes, the farmers behind the baked goods are just as loveable. They dedicate their lives to feeding the world and stewarding the land for generations to come. Their work is invaluable to the lives of wheat lovers everywhere. 

It takes a uniquely dedicated individual to choose the farming lifestyle. Farmers spend countless hours doing physically and mentally demanding work to cultivate a wheat crop each year. In 2021, Washington wheat farmers cut 2.33 million acres and harvested more than 87 million bushels of some of the highest-quality wheat in the world. But, that doesn’t just happen. It takes 14-hour days behind the wheel of a tractor. It takes missed t-ball games, birthdays, and family reunions. It takes late nights thinking about all of the things that have to get done in order for the year to go well. It can take an immense toll on the body and minds of farmers.

Even so, Washington wheat farmers continue to wake up each day to do the job they love. Washington wheat farms support nearly 9,500 jobs statewide. They generate significant economic spending as well, keeping businesses all over Washington alive and thriving. Outside of the economy, wheat farmers make impacts on their local communities in other ways, too. 

Walk into a high school gymnasium in a wheat farming community and you will surely see the names of many local farming families listed as boosters of the athletics department. Visit the local county fair and you will find them watching their kids showing livestock in 4-H or FFA. Contact the community club and meet the farmers coming together to plan festivals and events for everyone. We love Washington wheat farmers for their commitment to growing food and communities across our state. 

In the spirit of loving our farmers, take a moment to think about them the next time you bite into a wheat roll or have a spoonful of cereal. In those moments, it doesn’t seem that big. But, when you take a step back and look at the whole story of Washington wheat farmers, it becomes clear that they are doing incredible work. They take time away from their families, handle massive amounts of stress, and continue to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing agricultural industry. Thank a farmer the next time you have the pleasure of seeing one for their time and talents; the world wouldn’t be the same without them.